Big Little Brother

Gym Bros

"100! You broke your PR today! Good job, lil' bro."

"Phew. Thanks big bro! I feel so pumped!"

"Yeah, you're huge! Let's check on your gains today, shall we?"

"Yeah! Sure!"


"And that's 16 inches. Wow, you sure have gained a lot since the last time."

"Of course! I worked really hard on this, big bro! Maybe someday I'll be bigger than you."

"Haha, sure, lil' bro. With your pace right now, you will surpass me in no time."

Let's Shower

"Wanna take a shower together, big bro?"

"Sure! Nothing beats a nice shower after a good workout."

"That's right brother!"

It's Big

"Oh! Looks like I forgot to measure this one."

"Ah! Right, I have also grown down here too. I might be bigger than you already."

"Well, yours is quite big, but there's no way it's bigger than mine."

"We will see soon."

It's Very Big

"Holy shit, dude! How did you get this big? You're doubling in size since the last time."

"You see what I said now, big bro?"


"Uh.. Big bro?"

"Do you want to have some fun, lil' bro?"

Having Fun

"Big bro, I'm coming!"

"Oh Yes!"

"Phew. Thanks brother, I really need it. Ever since I made Josh mad at me yesterday, I haven't get to blow my load."

"No problem bro, you can use me anytime you want."


I'm using AI to fulfill my muscle fantasy

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